NWI Clippers
League: NIUBL
Division: N/A
Team Initials: NWI
Micro Manager:
Owner Name: Ryne Pishkur
All Time Record: 2023 - Current, 93-87, .517 (Playoffs: 0-0, .000)
Trophy Case: 
2300 NL Pennant Winner

Trade History
Trans Num Trade Date Details
1990    2024-03-19    The Who trades Russ Swan to the NWI Clippers for Mel Hall.   
1990    2023-12-30    Arlington Bats trade Jay Howell to the NWI Clippers for Tom Niedenfuer.   
1990    2023-12-26    The Who trades Ray Lankford to the NWI Clippers for Herm Winningham.   
